North Kings Road, Intricate Structure, 2012


In North Kings Road, Intricate Structure, I explored Rudolph Schindler and Pauline Schindler Gibling’s experimentation with social interaction at the Schindler House (now the MAK Center for Art and Architecture) in West Hollywood, California. Rudolph Schindler, in consultation with Gibling, designed four workrooms of non-hierarchical value for both the male and female residents of the house as a prerequisite for communal living. At the same time, he shifted the living rooms to play with outdoor space in a way that negotiated both public and private life. The traditional hierarchical order of the nuclear family as a social unit is broken open by Schindler’s design. With this architectonic structure, he encouraged a different encounter between the self and one’s surroundings. In the process, he created a spatial situation that rewrites the typical distribution of gender roles in society and encourages non-hierarchical action in relation to others.



In situ at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture at the Schindler House, Los Angeles

3 free-standing elements, concrete

152 × 234 cm; 152 × 170 cm; 152 × 89 cm