BrickFabric, 2009


BrickFabric (SteinGewebe) consists of a lime-sand brick structure (11.5 × 24 × 11.3 cm each) set in front of a wall at a distance of 40 cm in the rectangular central hall at Villa Aichele, Lörrach, Germany. With a floor area of ca. 38 square meters and a ceiling height of 3.7 meters, the room lends itself to use as an exhibition space. Two openings provided access to the installation so that it could be entered both through the double door facing a visitor entering the villa and through the double door that opens onto the veranda. The brickwork was designed to include gaps through which one could peer at what lay behind the wall. It was open at the top for an unobstructed view of the stucco ceiling. By contrast, for as long as the installation was in place, the wall paneling, fireplace, radiators, and the ornate double doors leading to the laterally adjacent rooms were visible only in the “fragmentary” form of glimpses through the brick structure. The brick-built surface also extended in front of the windows, engendering a complex and variable play of light in the installation’s interior.


In situ at the Villa Aichele, Lörrach

Sand-lime bricks, individually manufactured (115 × 240 × 113 cm each)

Overall 2825 × 3895 × 6470 cm